Basic Drone or Photographic photos

  • Includes 10 to 15 Professional High Resolution

  • Aerial Photos from one altitude and 3 angles.

  • A High Resolution 4K video of your business or property.

  • Additionally you will get a none edited video B roll on a hard drive memory stick.
    $325 to $399 depending on travel expenses.


  • Includes 25 to 50 Professional High Resolution
    HDR Aerial Photos from all angles and positions.

  • 10 High Resolution 4K videos of your business or property.

  • Short edited video for use in promotions social media or B roll.
    $750 to 850 depending on travel expenses.


  • Includes 25 to 50 Professional High Resolution HDR Aerial Photos from all angles and positions.

  • 15 High Resolution 4K videos of your business or property.

  • A Slide Show of selected photos.

  • Long edited video for use in promotions social media or B roll.

  • All material of photos and videos are put on a hard drive memory stick.
    $1850 to $1925 depending on travel expenses.