Basic Drone or Photographic photos
Includes 10 to 15 Professional High Resolution
Aerial Photos from one altitude and 3 angles.
A High Resolution 4K video of your business or property.
Additionally you will get a none edited video B roll on a hard drive memory stick.
$325 to $399 depending on travel expenses.
Includes 25 to 50 Professional High Resolution
HDR Aerial Photos from all angles and positions.10 High Resolution 4K videos of your business or property.
Short edited video for use in promotions social media or B roll.
$750 to 850 depending on travel expenses.
Includes 25 to 50 Professional High Resolution HDR Aerial Photos from all angles and positions.
15 High Resolution 4K videos of your business or property.
A Slide Show of selected photos.
Long edited video for use in promotions social media or B roll.
All material of photos and videos are put on a hard drive memory stick.
$1850 to $1925 depending on travel expenses.